First round of Boxlies EN ROUTE!

HUGE news! If you ordered a Kraft or White Boxly kit, it is now on its way to you! Read on for a lot of exciting developments with manufacturing, packout, and assembly lines (and stay tuned for more Connector Set and Mini Boxly updates next week)!

All of our work came down to the last few weeks, where we were coordinating each element of our manufacturing process. We picked up the canvas bags from the screenprinter, hauled over 10,000 connectors by car from SF to LA, and transported over 2,000 pounds of cardboard to a factory that generously lent us assembly space. Once everything was in place, we assembled over 200 Boxly kits. Pictures below!

We’re really excited about the fit of the cardboard to the connectors. It’s loose enough for easy assembly, but tight enough to create solid structures. On the front of each connector, there is a recycling symbol (yes, they are recyclable!) and on the back there are small round marks from the injector pins. The cardboard is standard one-ply as promised, so you’ll be able to supplement your kit with additional cardboard.

We’re incredibly excited about getting Boxly into your hands and to see what you build! In the meantime, we’ll keep you updated with Connector Sets and Mini Boxly as we complete packout this week!

We believe there are always ways we can improve and grow, so please send us your feedback (and pictures and stories) at!

The Boxly Team